Sekos förbundsordförande talade på världsfackets kongress

Sekos förbundsordförande Gabriella Lavecchia fick idag möjligheten att adressera världsfackets (ITUC) kongress i Melbourne på temat ”Democracy is under threat”. I det stora handlade talet om hotet mot demokratin och fackliga rättigheter utav fascistiska och högerpopulistiska krafter. Ett reellt hot vi ser på många håll i världen. 


Mer om kongressen kan följas på denna länk

Läs hela Gabriellas tal nedan.  


President, Congress, sisters- and brothers,

Democracy is under threat!

And the global challenges to democracy are many - and interconnected.


We a severe repression of civil society. From Iran, Ukraine, Myanmar to Hongkong. 

We see an alarming increase in democratic backsliding – and with that, restrictions in freedom of expression and freedom of association.

Threatening people’s democratic rights – and lives. Threatening free and democratic trade unions.  

Social protection is eroding. Poverty and economic inequalities are growing.

These are tough times for working people.


In parallel with this - nationalism and racism is gaining ground.

Becomes institutionalized. Becomes rooted in our societies – our communities - at our workplaces.

We know that racism, xenophobia, and populism pose severe threats to democracy. To fundamental trade union rights.

We also know that far-right forces are fueled by injustice and inequality.

But above all - we – as trade unionists know how dangerous this development is.

Racism is a major cause of inequality. Racism costs lives.

We - historically have – and must continue to – be a strong counterforce to racism.

Antiracism is a key concern for trade unions.


In my country, Sweden, racist ideas and arguments have become normalized in public debates. On the political agenda. In people´s everyday lives.

In connection to our latest national elections, a nationalist far-right political party - with roots in the neo-Nazi - movement became second largest in parliament.

This means - we now have a government of a conservative right-wing coalition – running the errands of a populist party – pushing for antidemocratic reforms. Pushing for downward pressure on working conditions and labor rights.

People are put against each other. Workers against each other.

This is in absolute opposition to what we - as trade unions – stand for.


This development is not limited to a country or a region. But even if context in which it unfolds is different – it is driven by the same mechanisms.

The crises the world is facing - is not created by refugees, migrant workers - or due to the color of people´s skin - religion. 

It is created by an economic system putting profit above people´s welfare, worker´s rights – and our planet.

We - as the international trade union movement – must - louder than ever - confront racism, xenophobia, and populism. Across workplaces, sectors, and industries.


The Congress Statement brings forward racism, xenophobia and discrimination as one of the current global crises.

Which I would like to express my support for.

But brothers and sisters, let´s step up our efforts. Let´s - during this upcoming congress period - develop an action plan with international trade union responses to racism, xenophobia and discrimination.  

Let´s reboot our strategies from the grassroots - to the international forums we have access to.


With this said I would also like to express my support the manifesto of the International Network of Anti-fascist unions as well as the emergency resolution on A Global Trade Union Response against Far Right. 

Thank you!
